
This school (School Level Data)
This State (State Level Data)
Math Test Scores (% Proficient)
The percentage of students in this school that scored at or above 'proficient' levels in Math, as designated by state assessment tests.
The percentage of public school students in this state that scored at or above 'proficient' levels in Math, as designated by state assessment tests.
Reading/Language Arts Test Scores (% Proficient)
The percentage of students in this school that scored at or above 'proficient' levels in Reading/Language Arts, as designated by state assessment tests.
The percentage of public school students in this state that scored at or above 'proficient' levels in Reading/Language Arts, as designated by state assessment tests.
Science Test Scores (% Proficient)
The percentage of students in this school that scored at or above 'proficient' levels in Science, as designated by state assessment tests.
The percentage of public school students in this state that scored at or above 'proficient' levels in Science, as designated by state assessment tests.
Student : Teacher Ratio
The number of students who attend this school divided by the number of teachers in this school
The number of students who attend a public school in this state divided by the number of public school teachers in this state
American Indian
Percentage of American Indian students among all the students in this school
Percentage of American Indian public school students among all the public school students in this state
Percentage of Asian students among all the students in this school
Percentage of Asian public school students among all the public school students in this state
Percentage of Hispanic students among all the students in this school
Percentage of Hispanic public school students among all the public school students in this state
Percentage of Black students among all the students in this school
Percentage of Black public school students among all the public school students in this state
Percentage of White students among all the students in this school
Percentage of White public school students among all the public school students in this state
Percentage of Hawaiian students among all the students in this school
Percentage of Hawaiian public school students among all the public school students in this state
Two or more races
Percentage of students of two or more races among all the students in this school
Percentage of public school students of two or more races among all the public school students in this state
All Ethnic Groups
Percentage chart of all ethnic groups based on all the students in this school
Percentage chart of all ethnic groups based on all the public school students in this state
Diversity Score
The chance that two students selected at random would be members of a different ethnic group in this school. Scored from 0 to 1, a diversity score closer to 1 indicates a more diverse student body.
The chance that two public school students selected at random would be members of a different ethnic group in this state. Scored from 0 to 1, a diversity score closer to 1 indicates a more diverse student body.
Graduation Rate
Rate of students who graduated from this school within the four year adjusted-cohort.
Rate of students who graduated from public schools in this state within the four year adjusted-cohort.
Eligible for Free Lunch
Percentage of students who is eligible for free lunch in this school. Families meeting income eligibility guidelines may qualify for free and reduced price meals or free milk. These guidelines are used by schools, institutions, and facilities participating in the National School Lunch Program (and Commodity School Program), School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program for Children, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program.
Percentage of public school students who is eligible for free lunch in this state. Families meeting income eligibility guidelines may qualify for free and reduced price meals or free milk. These guidelines are used by schools, institutions, and facilities participating in the National School Lunch Program (and Commodity School Program), School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program for Children, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program.
Eligible for Reduced Lunch
Percentage of students who is eligible for reduced lunch in this school. Families meeting income eligibility guidelines may qualify for free and reduced price meals or free milk. These guidelines are used by schools, institutions, and facilities participating in the National School Lunch Program (and Commodity School Program), School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program for Children, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program.
Percentage of public school students who is eligible for reduced lunch in this state. Families meeting income eligibility guidelines may qualify for free and reduced price meals or free milk. These guidelines are used by schools, institutions, and facilities participating in the National School Lunch Program (and Commodity School Program), School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program for Children, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program.